

Agile Chain
Agile Chain


A company is often said to be an organisation. But in fact, it has an organisation. The organisation is the system that the management has chosen to organise the company.

This system is a set of mechanisms, that need to be designed and managed. A suitable organisation helps a company to achieve its goals systemically, an unsuitable organisation generally hinders a company to reach its goals easily and naturally.

The organisation is a resource to a company. The ideal organisation is the organisational system that helps a company in the best possible manner to achieve its objectives. The ideal organisation does not exist, but one can optimize the organisation in an iterative approach. A well developed organisation will be an asset to the company, a poor organisation typically is a liability.

Agile organisation

An agile organisation is an organisational form that is designed such that it supports the company to systemically achieve the following objectives:

  • To be customer-centric: total focus on the (external or internal) customers and their new or changing requirements in order to provide customer benefit.

  • To be efficient, effective, and robust: efficient use of all available resources with most effective output achievement while being robust in the operations.

  • To be future-proof and innovative: fast and adaptive reaction in a flexible manner to new circumstances and surroundings with a constant thrive to innovate to have attractive products and to stay competitive.

A lot of companies claim that they are agile even though they are not. The basis for this claim is often just a number of projects that are run with an agile project methodology. The whole of the organisation or the line organisation is not organised in an agile manner.

A company is:

  • truly agile only if it has somewhat achieved the agile objectives in a measurable form across the whole of the company.

  • partly agile if it has somewhat achieved the agile objectives in a measurable form in a certain defined part of the company.

  • more agile only if it has come closer to the agile objectives in a measurable form compared with the previous version of the organisation.

  • not agile if it does not measure the actual degree of achievement of the agile objectives or if it is not iterating the organisation in order to get closer to the agile objectives.

Version 1.1.0

© Prof. Dr. Ulrich Andersprof.anders@online.de

Last change: 2025-02-13|16:10


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